
Jun 15, 20201 min

Preparing to return

Hi guys

As lockdown restrictions begin to ease, MANKIND has been thinking about how to safely return to work and what that will look like for MANKIND and you guys. Please note, no official start date as of yet.

Taking guidance and recommendations from GCMT - The Council for Soft Tissue Therapies and in conjunction with the Massage Training Institute, we are currently working on changes in the process by which we manage clients and appointments. These changes take into account Covid-19 and aim to minimise risk for both client and therapist.

The changes to practice are fluid and will adapt as time passes - please be assured changes implemented are entirely for health and safety of client and therapist and should not impinge on the quality or experience of your massage.

We will shortly be rolling out the changes that MANKIND will be adhering to and what will be expected from you guys as clients. Once rolled out, please take a moment to read these and if you have any questions or concerns simply contact us.

Information around these changes will be available on the Covid-19 Policy page of this website. We will also make information across other social media platforms.

Thank you for your support and understanding.

Richard - MANKIND Massage Therapy
